A PK’s Story About Rest and Sabbath

A PK’s Story About Rest and Sabbath

 “The people who are willing to take a sabbatical are usually the ones who love Jesus the most.” As I read this in one of my journal entries, I was filled with confusion. My husband and I were in full-time ministry, and I was burnt out. I knew that taking time off was...
A PK’s Story About Working Through Self-Harm

A PK’s Story About Working Through Self-Harm

“I’ve learned that there is nothing perfect in this imperfect world except your words, for they bring such fantastic freedom into my life!” (Psalm 119:96 TPT) I am a work in progress. This is still painful for me to write. For as long as I can remember, I have...
Yes, Pastors’ Kids Struggle With Self Harm

Yes, Pastors’ Kids Struggle With Self Harm

Care for Pastors launched PastorsKids.org in the summer of 2019. In the past three + years, we have heard the stories of hundreds of pastors’ kids. It should not be a surprise that pastors’ kids, like anyone else, struggle with some very heavy things. Our prayer is to...
How to Deal With Strong Emotions

How to Deal With Strong Emotions

Since I was a young child, I have felt emotions very deeply. For example, when my Barbie doll would lose a shoe, it felt like my world was crumbling. I’ve always been extremely empathetic—it is a gift that God has given me. Though sometimes it really doesn’t feel like...
Behind the Heart of a PK Struggling with Anxiety

Behind the Heart of a PK Struggling with Anxiety

We love when PKs share their stories with us. Every pastor’s kid has a story—each unique and lived out differently. However, each story has the ability to bring us together and help us relate to one another. While reading this today, remember that God loves you and he...
Fix Your Eyes: Decisions in a Moment

Fix Your Eyes: Decisions in a Moment

I watched her step up to the plate clutching the bat and adjusting her helmet. My adrenaline was rushing as I anticipated the moment. She settled in then fixed her eyes. This was the moment for which I’d been waiting. Everything stops. In those few, brief...