Willing to Go: The Real Meaning and Cost of Missions

Willing to Go: The Real Meaning and Cost of Missions

I was sitting at a coffee shop writing, when an employee sat down in front of me, picking at a donut. She began to tell me about her life, how her family had fled her home in the Middle East and had come here to start a new life. I told her I had a friend who had...
Are You Serving Faithfully or Fearfully?

Are You Serving Faithfully or Fearfully?

Sometimes God can speak through mysterious ways, and sometimes he uses a random children’s book at the library… This week I read a book to my son, a funny and humorous book that made me laugh, but also convicted me deeply. The main character in the story is Matthew. ...
How Finding a Church Family Changed My Family

How Finding a Church Family Changed My Family

About a dozen years ago God called me to pastor a little church in the Northeast. We were living in Florida at the time, and we lived near most of our family members and their families. We moved with the comfort that my wife’s brother and his family would be living...
Let Us Fix Our Eyes

Let Us Fix Our Eyes

Oftentimes, I think as Pastor’s kids we lose sight of what attending church is all about. I often catch myself “worshipping” during service, even raising my hands, but what’s really going through my mind is “Do they see me worshipping?”, “Am I worshipping hard enough...
Can I Quit Being a Pastor’s Kid?

Can I Quit Being a Pastor’s Kid?

It was Shakespeare who wrote the words, “Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them”. The experience for PK’s is not dissimilar; they never felt a calling to their dad’s ministry but find themselves thrust into an unusual...
Focus on the Good

Focus on the Good

I remember when I saw Lauren Daigle perform on the Ellen DeGeneres show and I thought her performance was amazing and so powerful. She was singing about Jesus on a massive platform and using her God-given talent to do so. I couldn’t help but beam with pride for a girl...