Finding a Safe Place as a PK

Finding a Safe Place as a PK has had a big impact on not only my Christian walk but also my life in general. As far as my walk with Christ it has provided me with a small group of Christian friends, which genuinely encourages me, meeting with a few friends who I can relate to once...
Let Us Fix Our Eyes

Let Us Fix Our Eyes

Oftentimes, I think as Pastor’s kids we lose sight of what attending church is all about. I often catch myself “worshipping” during service, even raising my hands, but what’s really going through my mind is “Do they see me worshipping?”, “Am I worshipping hard enough...
From Shame to Freedom

From Shame to Freedom

I’m Katie Tyson and I’ve been a pastor’s kid for almost two years now. I felt that my testimony was always kind of basic- I grew up in church, I was saved when I was 6, and I never really thought I would be able to share the gospel very well since...
Focus on the Good

Focus on the Good

I remember when I saw Lauren Daigle perform on the Ellen DeGeneres show and I thought her performance was amazing and so powerful. She was singing about Jesus on a massive platform and using her God-given talent to do so. I couldn’t help but beam with pride for a girl...
What God Really Wants From You

What God Really Wants From You

“Lord, what do you want from me?” How many times have you asked God this question? We are all conflicted with this question throughout our life. Particularly when trying to figure out what career to choose. As I was getting close to my high school graduation I...
Is God Still Good?

Is God Still Good?

God is good. God is faithful. Anyone who has been in church any length of time will have inevitably heard these phrases, and if you’re a preacher’s kid (PK) there’s no doubt that you’ve heard them repeatedly. But, there is a vast difference between hearing something...