Fighting Forward Through Temptation

Fighting Forward Through Temptation

Temptation. How does that word make you feel? Most of the time, I think of that word and cringe. Especially as I think about the countless times I have given in to it. Yet, God understands it deeply. So deeply, in fact, that He tells us in 1 Corinthians 10:13b that...
Can I Quit Being a Pastor’s Kid?

Can I Quit Being a Pastor’s Kid?

It was Shakespeare who wrote the words, “Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them”. The experience for PK’s is not dissimilar; they never felt a calling to their dad’s ministry but find themselves thrust into an unusual...
What is an Authentic Christian?

What is an Authentic Christian?

If authenticity were a high school girl, she’d be voted head girl and prom queen all in the same year. Not bad if you’re into that sort of thing. In 2018, the word authentic was googled more than most other words. It’s super popular. According to Google Trends it has...
The Problem with Authentic

The Problem with Authentic

I’ve got a problem with authenticity. I know – that sounds bad. Like saying I hate kittens. Or sunshine. Or happiness. Because authenticity is such a lovely, fluffy, catch-all term. Everyone wants it and everyone loves it. What’s not to like? Here are some memes on...
The Lament of a PK

The Lament of a PK

Church growing up for me was never really about my spiritual life, it was always about my family life. My dad has been a pastor since before I was born. I’ve been defined and labeled with the title of the “pastor’s daughter” since birth. My relationship with the...
My Story: From the Heart of a PK

My Story: From the Heart of a PK

The hardest thing about being a Pastor’s Kid would probably be being held to such a higher standard than other kids. I feel that this remains true as an adult. Everyone looks at us to be good examples, when all we want is to be is a “normal kid.” Growing up, we had...