Finding a Safe Place as a PK

Finding a Safe Place as a PK has had a big impact on not only my Christian walk but also my life in general. As far as my walk with Christ it has provided me with a small group of Christian friends, which genuinely encourages me, meeting with a few friends who I can relate to once...
The Fear of Prayer

The Fear of Prayer

In the thick of ministry life, a lot of my prayer life was centered around what God wanted me to do. I was so desperate to please God in every way that I would become fearful of prayer—nervous of what God might ask me to do, rather than just being with Him. I recalled...
Behind the Heart of a PK Struggling with Anxiety

Behind the Heart of a PK Struggling with Anxiety

We love when PKs share their stories with us. Every pastor’s kid has a story—each unique and lived out differently. However, each story has the ability to bring us together and help us relate to one another. While reading this today, remember that God loves you and he...
Fix Your Eyes: Decisions in a Moment

Fix Your Eyes: Decisions in a Moment

I watched her step up to the plate clutching the bat and adjusting her helmet. My adrenaline was rushing as I anticipated the moment. She settled in then fixed her eyes. This was the moment for which I’d been waiting. Everything stops. In those few, brief...
Fix My Eyes: Hope in Times of Struggle

Fix My Eyes: Hope in Times of Struggle

2020. Just the mention of that year sends shivers up my spine. For you, it may remind you of mask-wearing because of a worldwide pandemic, daily television messages from governors or the president, social distancing, healthy at home initiatives, sickness, and even...
Let Us Fix Our Eyes

Let Us Fix Our Eyes

Oftentimes, I think as Pastor’s kids we lose sight of what attending church is all about. I often catch myself “worshipping” during service, even raising my hands, but what’s really going through my mind is “Do they see me worshipping?”, “Am I worshipping hard enough...