Finding a Safe Place as a PK

Finding a Safe Place as a PK has had a big impact on not only my Christian walk but also my life in general. As far as my walk with Christ it has provided me with a small group of Christian friends, which genuinely encourages me, meeting with a few friends who I can relate to once...
Are You Serving Faithfully or Fearfully?

Are You Serving Faithfully or Fearfully?

Sometimes God can speak through mysterious ways, and sometimes he uses a random children’s book at the library… This week I read a book to my son, a funny and humorous book that made me laugh, but also convicted me deeply. The main character in the story is Matthew. ...
A PK’s Story About Rest and Sabbath

A PK’s Story About Rest and Sabbath

 “The people who are willing to take a sabbatical are usually the ones who love Jesus the most.” As I read this in one of my journal entries, I was filled with confusion. My husband and I were in full-time ministry, and I was burnt out. I knew that taking time off was...
Behind the Heart of a PK Struggling with Anxiety

Behind the Heart of a PK Struggling with Anxiety

We love when PKs share their stories with us. Every pastor’s kid has a story—each unique and lived out differently. However, each story has the ability to bring us together and help us relate to one another. While reading this today, remember that God loves you and he...
An Open Letter From a Pastor’s Kid and Pastor’s Wife

An Open Letter From a Pastor’s Kid and Pastor’s Wife

“Man, preacher’s kids are the worst!” I joked as my four kids ran through the church screaming while playing keep-away with my daughter’s shoe. As a pastor’s wife, I find it easier to handle my children publicly embarrassing me if I poke fun at our situation. However,...
Fighting Forward Through Fear

Fighting Forward Through Fear

It was Thanksgiving of this year and I had just walked through a heartbreaking experience and was not looking forward to the holiday season. However, I got up and went with the motions. The family began to come in and my brave face was painted on like a beautiful...